LOVE yourself this month and every month!

Happy Wednesday Green Spa-ers!

This month at The Green Spa our motto is “LOVE yourself.” The conversation came about when we were talking about our duo massages, pedicures, and facials. We thought “What if our community feels left out because they’re not dating anyone or they’re not married?” The most important thing you can do is LOVE yourself first. Just like RuPaul said, “If you don’t love yourself how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” Take time out this month to give your own self a hug. To stop judging your body, or where you are in your career. Focus on what you do have. What is it you really like about yourself? Because if you truly ask yourself that question we feel you’ll come up with more than one answer.

Perhaps you like that you’ve been able to discipline yourself to keep up with your yoga practice. Then buy yourself a fancy mat or those high-end yoga pants you’ve always wanted. OR maybe you feel like you don’t take care of yourself. Start allocating time to get up and put make-up on in the morning. Look on Pinterest and YouTube for ‘how-to’ videos for color matching and eyeshadow applications. Drink lots of water. Deep condition. Buy yourself a few new items of clothing that you can say will make you feel beautiful. Start using a moisturizer with broad spectrum SPF (very important) or a CC cream to make you glow. And, remember- if you feel good on the inside you’ll look twice as beautiful on the outside.

Don’t allow people to treat you poorly. Tell yourself you deserve respect and kindness and believe it. Be good to others on a daily basis. Sending good vibes to other people will help them do the same.

LOVE yourself this month. And everyday after.

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