
bay ridge


bay ridge


Page 7

20 Aug

You’re Probably Using Your Sunscreen Wrong

We all hear about the dangers we face from the sun. Beauty magazines proclaim the sun’s aging effects, medical experts lecture us on skin cancer, and your friends Instagram the latest photos of their painful sunburn. We say: Believe the hype and get informed because, like most people, you’re probably using your sunscreen wrong. Want to make […]


8 Aug

2016 RIO Olympians Sporting Cupping Therapy Marks

Last night Michael Phelps earned his 19th gold medal and gained everyone’s attention with the purple circular bruises that adorned his body. These marks are from a healing technique called cupping. Other athletes like Alex Naddour and former Olympic swimmer Natalie Coughlin are using this technique as well to heal their ailments.   What is […]


29 Jun

4 Clear Skin Foods for a Flawless Complexion

You are what you eat. Not only is your skin affected by the products you put on your body, the condition of your skin is also a reflection of the food you put in your body. Nobody enjoys waking up with a red, inflamed blemish (or two or three) on their face. The truth is, […]

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